Dental veneers

Dental veneers
Choose your
new smile
It’s important
who do you trust!

Hollywood smile

All on 4

Dental implants

Metal-free ceramics

Metal-free ceramics
It’s important
who do you trust!
Hollywood smile
Complete transformation of a smile using metal-free ceramics, thus achieving an ideal smile line proportional to your face.
Metal-free ceramics
If you want to have teeth that look just perfect with the whiteness you want, metal-free ceramics are a great choice.
Dental veneers
Teeth Veneers are the least invasive solutions that can achieve excellent aesthetic results and the desired whiteness of the teeth.
All on 4 / All on 6
All on 4 & All on 6 concept is intended for those patients who have teeth extracted. After the installation of 4 or more implants, a prosthesis of metal-free ceramics is implemented.
Dental implants
Dental implants are a stable and permanent solution to dental problems. Their installation is painless, and they can be carriers of various prosthetic works.
Digital Smile Design
Digital Smile Design is a state-of-the-art solution in designing new smiles using AI technology.
Welcome to
Beo Smile Design
Our clinic offers you complete dental services with which you will be able to solve functional and aesthetic problems forever and thus continue with a normal life, in which there will be many carefree smiles again.
A team of professional and dedicated doctors will be there to accompany every step towards your new smile! With over 25 years of experience, modern appliances and sophisticated technology that is at the very top of dentistry, we are able to eliminate all problems related to the health of your teeth.
Beo Smile Design place where smile begins!

We justify
I have had a problem with bad teeth and their appearance for a long time. Exploring where to fix my teeth, I came to Beo Smile Design. With their dedication, great way of working, we came to the final result. The whole procedure turned out to be far more favorable for me than if I had done the same anywhere in the EU.
I am very happy because my long-standing dental problem has finally been solved. I can smile again without worrying about whether someone will look into my teeth (ps. They will, but in perfect and bright white teeth haha). I am very grateful to Dr. Jordan and the entire team of Beo Smile Design for the successfully created smile!